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dimecres, 5 de març del 2014


Next, I will describe the city of Ottawa .
Ottawa is the capital of Canada, it is the second largest city in Ontario and the fourth largest city in the country. It is really multicultural and it has many historic sites.

Ottawa borders with Gatineau, Québec, and together they form the National Capital Region (NCR). When you walk aroud the city you can see how clean it is; actually, it is the second cleanest city in Canada and the third in the world. It is known for its ancient Parliament Buildings, the luxurious Château Laurier, the crowed Byward Market and the amazing National Gallery. It also offers many stylish boutques, well-known museums, theaters, fascinating galleries, cafes, local bars and nightclubs.

In conclusion, Ottawa is a good and peaceful city to live. It is not as polluted and crowed as others and I really liked it. You should go!

dimarts, 4 de març del 2014


This weekend we have obtained the greatest victory of our league. Our team came out very motivated and when we finished the first half  we won by 10 goals.
In the second half we came out the same players who finished the first half and during the first 15 minutes we were able to take further advantage, namely 16 goals.
The last 15 minutes remaining in our team there were many changes and new players enter because we were tired.
They get a partial 6-0, ending the game with an incredible result
, 40-18 in our favor.

diumenge, 2 de març del 2014

Orphan Black

I  have to say, the first episode left me a little underwhelmed. Then I re-watched it with my brother and he hated it. Now we've stuck with it and are on the fourth episode and are hooked! The story develops in very surprising ways as do the characters. The one problem I have with it, and a lot of Canadian produced show in general, is that they try to make you think it's set in NYC or some other American city.
But still, its chapters in all, I like it a lot and hope are finish watching the 1st season soon, and then wait until April to see the second season.

Gap Year

 I know that I want to do  law and become a lawyer  at university and bottom line, I know I definitely want to go to university but despite that, I really am considering taking a gap year for the sake that I want a break from the education system and experience something new.
If I do decide to take a gap year, then my plan is working until August so I would earn enough money to backpack Europe for 4
weeks, I also plan on going on one of those Gap Year Courses. I would like to do a France course  to end to learn French well.


Immigration is what settled this country not illegal immigration. People who immigrate illegally hurt all of the people who are trying to do it legally. I am not against immigration. I believe that the immigration problem should be handled in a series of steps. First the borders should be shut down to prevent any more illegal immigration. Second the immigration laws need to be changed. It should be easier to immigrate and shouldn't take 8 years or more. The processing time from most countries should be less than one year as long as the native country cooperates. Laws regarding businesses that hire illegal immigrants should be changed so that repeated offenses should result in escalating fines that will put the company out of business if they continue to defy the laws. The next law would be for any immigrant not yet a citizen who is convicted of a felony should be deported after serving their sentence with no future opportunity of returning. Only after these laws are in place can the illegal immigrants already here be dealt with but I think they should be fined heavily and have to apply for legal immigration status. Once all this is done anyone caught illegally in the country should be deported immediately with repeat offenders given long prison terms before being deported


In this quarter we have had to make a presentation to a maximum of two minutes, we had to talk about a gothic writer or scientist.

In this PresentationI used an image of the writer as long as people see as it was.

The Body Language: 
In my view I think our language Is sufficiently clear and precise.

The StructureThis presentation was an introduction, a biography of the author and finally the conclusion.

The Content : I think it Is a fairly complete presentation but It's a little bit short.

The Language: I think that the grammar was correct.

The Pronunciation: 
I think that the pronunciation Is good, there Is always a word difficult to understand, but in generally quite clear.

In conclusion: I think my presentation was generally good, although I could make it a bit longer.

Oral Presentation

Samuel Richardson (19 August 1689 – 4 July 1761) was an 18th century Englishwriter and printer. He is best known for his three epistolary novels: Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded (1740), Clarissa: Or the History of a Young Lady (1748) and The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753). Richardson was an established printer and publisher for most of his life and printed almost 500 different works, with journals and magazines.
Richardson lost his first wife along with their five sons, and eventually remarried. Although with his second wife he had four daughters who lived to become adults, they had no male heir to continue running the printing business. While his print shop slowly ran down, at the age of 51 he wrote his first novel and immediately became one of the most                                                    popular and admired writers of his time.