Last Friday with my friends I we went to the cinema and we see a very fun film. This movie will not disappoint anyone . It has all of the gross-out humor, sexual tension, and most importantly the heart. It doesn't break in any new ground, but gives great closure to all of the characters. The laughs also are spread out well from start until during the credits. In face, I think the first 3 minutes was the funniest I've ever seen in a movie.
Over a decade has passed and the gang return to East Great Falls, Michigan, for the weekend. They will discover how their lives have developed as they gather for their high school reunion. How has life treated Michelle, Jim, Heather, Oz, Kevin, Vicky, Finch, Stifler, and Stifler's mom? In the summer of 1999, it was four boys on a quest to lose their virginity. Now Kara is a cute high school senior looking for the perfect guy to lose her virginity to.