diumenge, 2 de març del 2014
Immigration is what settled this country not illegal immigration. People who immigrate illegally hurt all of the people who are trying to do it legally. I am not against immigration. I believe that the immigration problem should be handled in a series of steps. First the borders should be shut down to prevent any more illegal immigration. Second the immigration laws need to be changed. It should be easier to immigrate and shouldn't take 8 years or more. The processing time from most countries should be less than one year as long as the native country cooperates. Laws regarding businesses that hire illegal immigrants should be changed so that repeated offenses should result in escalating fines that will put the company out of business if they continue to defy the laws. The next law would be for any immigrant not yet a citizen who is convicted of a felony should be deported after serving their sentence with no future opportunity of returning. Only after these laws are in place can the illegal immigrants already here be dealt with but I think they should be fined heavily and have to apply for legal immigration status. Once all this is done anyone caught illegally in the country should be deported immediately with repeat offenders given long prison terms before being deported
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