Laughter is very important in life because it's a medicine which relaxes the body, protects the heart and also dissolves distressing emotions.
Laughing is recommended, we can watch anything funny, make fun activities or play with a pet.
Laughter helps to a better relationship with people.
If someone cannot laugh, you can begin to do so by following a few small steps: first of all smile, also join funny people and especially provide humour in discussions.
This way you will begin to feel better and you will be happier.
In life, laughter is strong medicine for mind and body because it strengtheng our immune system and boost our energy.
First of all, laughing relaxes the body and makes you feel good and for this reason you forget the bad moments and be more positive or happy.
On the other hand, there are people who don't laugh, they haven't got sense of humour.
I recommend them to learnt to smile, watch anything funny or read anecdotes, you can be happier.
In conclusion, do this if you want a good life and good moments, don't be stressed, always smile.
William Kamkwamba is a boy who was born in Malawi. Malawi is a very poor country where science was mystery.
But William read a lot about windmills and he dreamed to built one of this.
With some scrap metal, tractor parts and bicycle halves he did it. This miracle changes the lives around him.
In conclusion, I think that the video I saw makes us think and never stop striving to meet our goals.
For this reason I think that impossible is nothing.
Police- Where do you live ?
Me- With my parents.
Police- Where does your parents live ?
Me- With me.
Police- Where do you all live ?
Me- Together.
Police- Where is your house ?
Me- Next to my neighbours house.
Police- Where is your neighbours house ?
Me- If I tell you, you won't believe me.
Police- Tell me !
Me- Next to my house.
Calle Mar 16
Castelló d'Empúries
30th September,2014
Dear Teacher
My goals for the future is first of all make an effort this year to pass the 2nd of Bachillerat and after do "Selectivitat" to decide what degree I will be going to do.
All this, deserves great continuos work because it is the last year.
This last part is the hardest for me because I'm a lazy guy and I always leave everything to the last moment. But this year I'll try to do it all in advance, to save work other days and have free time.
I have to be able to organize myself and I'm not used to. For this reason I have created a routine not to get confused.
In conclusion, giving the maximum to have a good future.
Artyom Tserno