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dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014

Tamir Rice

This story is about a 12 year old boy of Cleveland, called Tamir Rice, which was playing with a toy gun in a park. 
The police received a call that there was an armed guy and then they went to the situation. In the park police saw that the boy had a gun in his waistband.
The boy didn't draw the gun but one officer fired two shots, one of them touched his upper body. Fact that fatally ended with the death of the poor boy.

In my opinion this fact is very sad.That has to die an innocent boy with only 12 years is very unjust. I don't deal as the persons they can manage to think that with this age a child could have a pistol indeed. 
Nowadays the company of this world is very unjust with some persons, I hope that we could change this so cruel world and live in a company where everything is correct and there are no problems.
Words learnt
 Deputy - Diputat
 Waistband- Cinturó
 Stun- Atordir