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divendres, 30 de gener del 2015

Ukraine conflict: Poroshenko vows to 'calm' Mariupol fighting


This news is about Ukraine and its president, Petro Poroshenko, who has promised to calm the fight against pro-Russia rebels in east Ukraine, because 30 people have died in just one day.
It is necessary to emphasize that more than 5.000 persons have died in the combats since the rebels got hold of a great band of the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. 
For this reason, the president of this country has decided finally to try to calm these clashes.


I do not understand the clashes between these two countries. They are countries that are on the side,speak the same language and have relatives in both countries.
In conclusion, I hope that the situation between these two countries would improve, because  the time happens, and  this will be even more wrong than this going now, because now it is only the beginning.


Vowed- Promès

Seized- Confiscada

Upsurge- Recrudescència