This news is about two terrorists who forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo.This happened on January 7, in the city of Paris.The terrorists entered with weapons and shot up to 50 times.
In total there were 12 people killed and 11 more injured. A France national police officer was also killed.
The gunmen identified themselves as belonging to the Islamist Terrorist group Al - Qaedas branch in Yemen.
But after all, the terrorists were caught and from now , their place will be in jail.
The people who died were innocent, they haven't done anything bad to anyone.
I don' t understand how can exist terrorism.
In conclusion, the world every time goes to worse. And for what we can see, there will never be peace in this world if we do not put in agreement in improving it.
Bloodshed- Matança
Threatened- Amenaçats
Rooftops- Teulades
This news treats about more than one hundred of vehicles, which remained caught during the night in the roads between Cantabria and the province of Palencia due to the snow. About 100 expatriates and British tourists were among those trapped.
All of them came with the idea of spending a few warm days in Spain, but it was not as expected, because Spain is in the middle of a cold spell.
It is true that these days are very cold.The wind is very cold and you do not even want to go out to the street.
Even this way, many things can be done in house, it is a good moment to see movies or to read any book.
But I hope that the cold is ended soon, to be able to go out to the street and enjoy the good time.
Stuck- Atrapats
Stranded- Encallats
Lorries- Camions
My research project talks about the protest songs in the 20th Century, generally located in the United States.
The objective of this topic is to learn a little bit more about songs and the 20th Century demonstrations.
The first section of this project talks about the origins of protest songs. Then, it continues with the types of protest around the world and the most common genres.
The second part deals with the most influential countries.
And the last part, was the analysis of the most influential protest songs through the lyrics because they used a lot of metaphors and keywords to understand the society of the 20th Century.