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divendres, 6 de febrer del 2015

Snow traps over 200 motorists in Spain


This news treats about more than one hundred of vehicles, which remained caught during the night in the roads between Cantabria and the province of Palencia due to the snow. About 100 expatriates and British tourists were among those trapped.
All of them came with the idea of spending a few warm days in Spain, but it was not as expected, because Spain is in the middle of a cold spell.


It is true that these days are very cold.The wind is very cold and you do not even want to go out to the street. 
Even this way, many things can be done in house, it is a good moment to see movies or to read any book. 
But I hope that the cold is ended soon, to be able to go out to the street and enjoy the good time.


Stuck- Atrapats

Stranded- Encallats

Lorries- Camions