Mariano Rajoy Complejo de la Moncloa Avda.Puerta del Hierro 28071 Madrid Dear President Rajoy, I am writing to inform you of how important the crisis is currently in Spain. People disagree with taxes and cuts that you have established in this coutry. The problems began in 2010, when the civil servants had to work more hours for the same wages. Moreover, for the cuts of the public expenditure, the University rates, which have risen 50%. And finally the increase of the taxes of tabacco, light, gas, water,and many things more... For these reasons now we are in crisis. I would like to ask you to take urgently the necesssary measurements to overcome these problems, in order to be able to live in a worthy way, with work, with house, and also with food. A lot of people in this country do not have these necessities nowadays, due to the changes you have made. Yours faithfully,
Human Rights are principles or rules describing the way in which you have to incur a human. They based on the respect for people. Its premise is that every human being must be treated with dignity. Their name is Human Rights because they are universal and also because they are rights to which everyone is entitled. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which represents a common standard to be attained by all peoples and nations.
In total there are 30 Human Rights. For me, the best Human Right is number 4 (No slavery). It's about the slavery of human persons. Currently, in least developed countries there are a lot of young children who are under the power of others. And this doesn't have to be because we live in a free world, we must all live our lives. This video makes us reflect on how bad people become. In conclusion, no one deserves this. For this, the sentence of Human Rights number 4, has a very direct message: Shall one not be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade Shall Be Their prohibited in all form.
Isaac, my best friend, is 19. He has got brown short hair, fair eyes and a little nose like a potato. He has got well built complexion. He is quite tall and looks really atractive when we go out with girls. Currently , he is studying English in London and in summer he comes back to Spain and works as an assistant chef in a kitchen of a Restaurant or Bar. He likes playing football a lot, when he was 15 ,he played with a FC.Girona Team , and he also was in the Catalan Selection . But when he started smoking , he left everythins and after he broke his leg ,and he never a played football again. Isaac is a very good friend , he always helps me when I have got bad moments and also because he has got a big sense of humour. He doesn´t care where we are, it doesn`t matter if we are in the Police Station or we are in a Supermarket. He is hiperaclive, he is never quiet. Isaac is also an intelligent man, but he doesn`t live studying, for this reason his mother sent him to England. I admire him because he is very energetic and also because I know him since 2005, and he has always been here, and when we have any problem, our parents know that we are together.
Yesterday I went to see the movie Fast and The Furious 7 to the cinema. This saga is one of my favorites. At the beginning I believed that they not recorded the seventh part of the movie because the main actor, Paul Walker, died in a car accident. But in the end, on April 2015, they announced its release in cinemas, so I decided to go see it. This part deals with death in Tokyo of Han, friend of Toretto. The federal agent Hobbs also was attacked by the same person and he tells that to Dominic Toretto, and these two decide to take revenge on the antagonist together. It takes a long time to find him, but finally, with the help of a Hacker,they find him. Dominic Toretto begins to fight against him and finally he kills him. I liked especially the end of the movie, because they do a tribute to Paul Walker, an actor who has been a role model, person who created the Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW) association, which helps victims of various natural disasters . In conclusion, a person who did not deserve this end, life is very unfair.