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dijous, 16 d’abril del 2015


Isaac, my best friend, is 19. He has got brown short hair, fair eyes and a little nose like a potato.
He has got well built complexion. He is quite tall and looks really atractive when we go out with girls.
Currently , he is studying English in London and in summer he comes back to Spain and works as an assistant chef in a kitchen of a Restaurant or Bar.
He likes playing football a lot, when he was 15 ,he played with a FC.Girona Team , and he also was in the Catalan Selection .
But when he started smoking , he left everythins and after he broke his leg ,and he never a played football again.
Isaac is a very good friend , he always helps me when I have got bad moments and also because he has got a big sense of humour.
He doesn´t care where we are, it doesn`t matter if we are in the Police Station or we are in a Supermarket.
He is hiperaclive, he is never quiet. Isaac is also an intelligent man, but he doesn`t live studying, for this reason his mother sent him to England.
I admire him because he is very energetic and also because I know him since 2005, and he has always been here, and when we have any problem, our parents know that we are together.