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divendres, 8 de maig del 2015

Jews, Muslims face increasing French discrimination, racism – Council of Europe- Human Rights News


This news talks about France, a  country that discriminates  minority groups such as now the Gypsies, Muslims and Jews.
In France, Jewish and Muslims cemeteries are destroyed. For this reason, the  French President Francois Hollande  says that in this country is increasing a lot racism, and the nation will be destroyed because of this. 
Also note that there are other factors that trigger acts of discrimination in France, for example sexual orientation of an individual.


This news makes reference to one of the most common problems that we find in the world, the discrimination, which is a human right that may not be violated.
Therefore,  belongs to the Human Right number 2, which says that everyone has the right and freedoms, without any kind of distiction ,like color, sex, language, religion ..

And I agree with this, because everybody should have equal rights and live in equality, after all we are all equal.


Warned- Previngut
Skull cap- Barret 
Trigger- Desencadenar