The balance sheet still is not definitive, but the dead persons in the whole region add up more than 30.000. The situation of children and elders is frightening.
divendres, 16 de novembre del 2012
The Hurricane was called Mitch, and destroyed Central America. It began its career from the equatorial zones of the Atlantic Ocean, seemed to line up towards Jamaica, but it ended anchored on the coasts of Honduras and Nicaragua, affecting also Costa Rica.With a diameter of 800 km and squalls of 340 km and an enormous load of waters, in a couple of days it dissolved everything what it found to its step.

The balance sheet still is not definitive, but the dead persons in the whole region add up more than 30.000. The situation of children and elders is frightening.
The balance sheet still is not definitive, but the dead persons in the whole region add up more than 30.000. The situation of children and elders is frightening.
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