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divendres, 9 de novembre del 2012

The Spring Fairy

Thousands of light years ago in some galaxy far away there was a barren planet without vegetation. On this planet lived thousands of people in a large area to protect it from the intense sunlight and oxygen are produced on this planet was a little girl who loved to read fairy tales and delighted over and over again in the library astral seeing so many beautiful illustrations.That must have been so many beautiful colors, so much life! One day she could get to where one could go to the cellar astral and couldn't believe what his eyes saw, a unique book. What could contain wondered. Such was her curiosity that ran instantly to take it and to open its first page found a small flower withers and still seemed beautiful, approached his face and could feel the love.How beautiful, and smells good! What kind of flower could be that?
- Is a rose, I say a little old lady who was at the time passing by. She shed a tear and said as I would love to see her alive. - You like that, asked the old lady at the time became a beautiful fairy. Yes, I wish with all my heart, said the girl.
Well then, from now on you will be responsible for monitoring the nature, trees and flowers. From today you will be the Spring.