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dimarts, 5 de maig del 2015

Nepal earthquake: UK agencies warn of serious disease after disaster


The earthquake that occurred in Nepal, was 7.8 degrees of magnitude,  7,500 people have died and 14,500 people are injured.
Because of this catastrophe, many people have been left homeless.
Contaminated water and poor sanitation could lead to cholera, dysentery and other waterborne diseases.
For this reason, the DEC agencies have organized shelters and have provided them with clean water, soap, blankets and mattresses.
Currently, most countries of the world are helping Nepal.


Natural disasters are inevitable. In my opinion I think that the country has been  morally and economically destroyed. Now they have to invest a lot of money to get reform.
People don't know where live and for this reason  in the world there have been several campaigns of donation of money.
This, I consider it a good fact  because we are showing that cooperation between countries exists.


Shelter- Refugi
Unprecedented- Sense precedents
Pledges- Promeses