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dimecres, 13 de maig del 2015



This year we made just two presentations. But if I compare my first presentation with the second, I could say that I've improved a lot.

First of all, the pronouncement of words, and my accent were not very good, but as I was practicing, I think that now, my accent is more better.
Then the vocabulary, I have learned a lot of new words this year, now I do not use a simple vocabulary like before.
After this school year , I don not have problems to talk and interact with people in English.
And finally, it notes that I've always had problems with verb conjugation when  I spoke, because I did not know which verbal form I had to use, and now, I have improved a little bit with this problem.


If I had to send my best written evidence would be this:

16 Carrer del Mar
Castelló d'Empúries
Girona 17486
13th April 2015

Mariano Rajoy
Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda.Puerta del Hierro
28071 Madrid

Dear President Rajoy,

I am writing to inform you of how important the crisis is currently in Spain. People disagree with taxes and cuts that you have established in this coutry.

The problems began in 2010, when the civil servants had to work more hours for the same wages. Moreover, for the cuts of the public expenditure, the University rates, which have risen 50%.
And finally the increase of the taxes of tabacco, light, gas, water,and many things more...
For these reasons now we are in crisis.
I would like to ask you to take urgently the necesssary measurements to overcome these problems, in order to be able to live in a worthy way, with work, with house, and also with food.

A lot of people in this country do not have these necessities nowadays, due to the changes you have made.

Yours faithfully,

I think this is the best writing I've done because I show a good level of English, using the right words for this context.
After being out all year by writing, I think that this formal letter, is one of the best essays than I've done.

diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015

Microsoft to stop producing Windows versions


This news is about the famous brand, distributor of  computer software "Microsoft Windows". They say that Microsofot Windows 10, will be the latest revision of the operating system. This Windows will be much more innovative and will have permanent updates. Therefore, Microsoft will have to spend too much money on marketing to convince people to buy this new product. But even so, Windows says that it is a good progress with the system, but there is always some risk.


In my opinion, I think the technology is advancing very quickly. Two years ago everyone had Windows 7, now almost everyone has Windows 8, and in a few months is expected Windows 10.
We can say that prices are becoming more high, and there are people who can not afford to buy a computer of latest features because they don't have enough money. 
In conclusion, technology advances, and costs increase.


Desktop - Escritori

Echoed - Es va fer ressò

Instalments - Quotes

Russia stages massive WW2 parade despite Western boycott


Yesterday, May 9, Russia celebrated the 70 years since the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
It all began with a speech by current Russian President Vladimir Putin, who thanked the Soviet troops who were present in Second World War and also thanked the USA, France and UK to help them beat Germany.
At 10:00, it started the parade of Russian soldiers marched through Red Square in Moscow, and Chinese troops also marched in Moscow for the first time.
The spectacle of aircraft, which flew over Red Square was very beatiful.


When I lived in Russia, on May 9 with my family, we always went to the parade of soldiers. 
But the most important parade is in the Red Square,  Moscow. I have the desire to go there someday.

In conclusion, the May 9 is celebrated in Russia as it was Christmas, it is a historic and memorable event for this country.
It should be noted that, once the parade is over, the families gather with others to eat together and celebrate the victory.


Reinforced - Reforçat

Crew - Tripulació 
Foreign dignitaries- Dignataris Estrangers

dissabte, 9 de maig del 2015

Sad News

Last friday, our handball coach gave us a very bad news. He explaned that for work, he was forced to leave the club because he was going to live in Badajoz.  
This news has shocked the whole team. He already told me that he would go but it was not entirely sure and did not know when it would be. 
This coach has been the best I've had in my time as a player. He is a very demanding and tough person, but he does so in order to improve our performance. 
It was he who made us Champions of Catalan League of Handball two consecutive years.
This year, due to the multitude of players who have left the team, he did not expect these results,with young players, from an average of 18 years, winning all matches in the competition.
In conclusion, give him thanks for everything.
I hope to see him soon.

divendres, 8 de maig del 2015

Jews, Muslims face increasing French discrimination, racism – Council of Europe- Human Rights News


This news talks about France, a  country that discriminates  minority groups such as now the Gypsies, Muslims and Jews.
In France, Jewish and Muslims cemeteries are destroyed. For this reason, the  French President Francois Hollande  says that in this country is increasing a lot racism, and the nation will be destroyed because of this. 
Also note that there are other factors that trigger acts of discrimination in France, for example sexual orientation of an individual.


This news makes reference to one of the most common problems that we find in the world, the discrimination, which is a human right that may not be violated.
Therefore,  belongs to the Human Right number 2, which says that everyone has the right and freedoms, without any kind of distiction ,like color, sex, language, religion ..

And I agree with this, because everybody should have equal rights and live in equality, after all we are all equal.


Warned- Previngut
Skull cap- Barret 
Trigger- Desencadenar

dimarts, 5 de maig del 2015

Biggest fall in April jobless for two decades


In April, Spain suffered the biggest drop in the number of people who are unemployed in the last 20 years.
The only sectors that offer jobs are industrialists, but they always looking for qualified personnel. And a lot of  people who are unemployed now, wait until summer to find work in hotels or restaurants, to get some money.
The percentage of unemployed is 23.78, which means that approximately a quarter part  of the population does not work.


I think that unemployment is a serious social problem, since people acquire goods and services to meet their needs from the money they receive for their work... and if they do not have this money, they cannot meet these needs. 
A lot of people, when they lose their jobs , feel frustrated and failed to see that they cannot support their family.
For this reason, I hope that this country's economic situation will improve soon.


Drop- Deixar caure, caiguda
Seekers- Sol·licitants
Forecast- Pronòstic

Nepal earthquake: UK agencies warn of serious disease after disaster


The earthquake that occurred in Nepal, was 7.8 degrees of magnitude,  7,500 people have died and 14,500 people are injured.
Because of this catastrophe, many people have been left homeless.
Contaminated water and poor sanitation could lead to cholera, dysentery and other waterborne diseases.
For this reason, the DEC agencies have organized shelters and have provided them with clean water, soap, blankets and mattresses.
Currently, most countries of the world are helping Nepal.


Natural disasters are inevitable. In my opinion I think that the country has been  morally and economically destroyed. Now they have to invest a lot of money to get reform.
People don't know where live and for this reason  in the world there have been several campaigns of donation of money.
This, I consider it a good fact  because we are showing that cooperation between countries exists.


Shelter- Refugi
Unprecedented- Sense precedents
Pledges- Promeses

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

Chelsea secured the Premier League title by beating Crystal Palace at an ecstatic Stamford Bridge.


This saturday, Chelsea played a match of League against Crystal Palace. 
The match was very quiet, with few shots on goal , but appeared the best player of  2015 of the English Premier League, Eden Hazard, scored  the only goal of the game at minute 44 in the first half. 
With this victory, Chelsea won the Premier League Championship and the next year will play in the UEFA Champions League against the best teams in the world like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona...


In my opinion I think that Chelsea is a very good team , has one of the best coaches in the world, who's name is Jose Mourinho and also players with  a very high level, who are always fighting for the Ballon' D'Or.
In conclusion, we will see if Chelsea continue to improve and get back to winning the UEFA Champions League, as this team did in 2012.


Swept - Escombrar
Flair - Instint
Verve - Entusiasme o Energia

Floyd Mayweather beats Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas.


This weekend has been the fight of the century, the most anticipated and highest grossing in the history of boxing.
The fight took place in Las Vegas, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. The fight was between the two best fighters in the world, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao.
The first four rounds were very equalled, but from 5th assault, combat already got more interesting and Pacquiao was who attacked. But in the 9th round, Mayweather changed radically and finally won the fight by unanimous decision.


I have not seen the combat because they did it at 5 o'clock in the morning, but as I have been reading and listening  the opinion of the people, Manny Pacquiao was the one who deserved to win. 
As everyone knows, the fight took place in USA, so people say that there were tricks, and for this reason  Mayweather won.
Pacquiao, also thinks the same, and even he said that he deserved to win the match.


Cemented - Fonamentat
Booed - Escridassat
Flurries - Ràfegues

dijous, 30 d’abril del 2015

Formal Letter

16 Carrer del Mar
Castelló d'Empúries
Girona 17486
13th April 2015

Mariano Rajoy
Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda.Puerta del Hierro
28071 Madrid

Dear President Rajoy,

I am writing to inform you of how important the crisis is currently in Spain. People disagree with taxes and cuts that you have established in this coutry.

The problems began in 2010, when the civil servants had to work more hours for the same wages. Moreover, for the cuts of the public expenditure, the University rates, which have risen 50%.
And finally the increase of the taxes of tabacco, light, gas, water,and many things more...
For these reasons now we are in crisis.
I would like to ask you to take urgently the necesssary measurements to overcome these problems, in order to be able to live in a worthy way, with work, with house, and also with food.

A lot of people in this country do not have these necessities nowadays, due to the changes you have made.

Yours faithfully,

divendres, 24 d’abril del 2015

Human Rights

Human Rights are principles or rules describing the way in which you have to incur a human.
They based on the respect for people. Its premise is that every human being must be treated with dignity.
Their name is Human Rights because they are universal and also because they are rights to which everyone is entitled.
In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration 
of Human Rights, which represents a common standard to be attained by all peoples and nations.

In total there are 30 Human Rights.

For me, the best Human Right is number 4 (No slavery).

It's about the slavery of human persons. Currently, in least developed countries there are a lot of young children who are under the power of others.  And this doesn't have to be because we live in a free world, we must all live our lives.
This video makes us reflect on how bad people become.
In conclusion, no one deserves this.
For this, the sentence of Human Rights number 4, has a very direct message:
Shall one not be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade Shall Be Their prohibited in all form.

dijous, 16 d’abril del 2015


Isaac, my best friend, is 19. He has got brown short hair, fair eyes and a little nose like a potato.
He has got well built complexion. He is quite tall and looks really atractive when we go out with girls.
Currently , he is studying English in London and in summer he comes back to Spain and works as an assistant chef in a kitchen of a Restaurant or Bar.
He likes playing football a lot, when he was 15 ,he played with a FC.Girona Team , and he also was in the Catalan Selection .
But when he started smoking , he left everythins and after he broke his leg ,and he never a played football again.
Isaac is a very good friend , he always helps me when I have got bad moments and also because he has got a big sense of humour.
He doesn´t care where we are, it doesn`t matter if we are in the Police Station or we are in a Supermarket.
He is hiperaclive, he is never quiet. Isaac is also an intelligent man, but he doesn`t live studying, for this reason his mother sent him to England.
I admire him because he is very energetic and also because I know him since 2005, and he has always been here, and when we have any problem, our parents know that we are together.

dimecres, 15 d’abril del 2015


Yesterday I went to see the movie Fast and The Furious 7 to the cinema.
This saga is one of my favorites. At the beginning I believed that they not recorded the seventh part of the movie because the main actor, Paul Walker, died in a car accident.
But in the end, on April 2015, they announced its release in cinemas, so I decided to go see it.
This part deals with death in Tokyo of Han, friend of Toretto.
The federal agent Hobbs also was attacked by the same person and he tells that to Dominic Toretto, and these two decide to take revenge on the antagonist together.
It takes a long time to find him, but finally, with the help of a Hacker,they find him.
Dominic Toretto begins to fight against him and  finally he kills him.
I liked especially the end of the movie, because they do a tribute to Paul Walker, an actor who has been a role model, person who created the Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW) association, which helps victims of various natural disasters .
In conclusion, a person who did not deserve this end, life is very unfair.

dissabte, 28 de març del 2015

We are the Champions !

This Saturday we had our last match of handball.
As I said in a previous post, we had to win this game. At that time we occupied the second position, but if Palautordera  lost his match against La Salle Montcada we would become Champions of the League.
And we did it, in the final minutes, Suria made 3 consecutive mistakes, and we took an advantage of three goals, thanks to that we won the match.
Also, Palautordera, was not so lucky, they lost by 7 goals against La Salle Montcada Team.
I think  we deserved this title because this year we have done a good job.
Our team is very young, we only have 3 persons who pass the twenty years, and the other teams did not believe that, because they have more experience but this has not been an obstacle for us, because we have trained a lot, we always give the maximum and for this reason we have our reward.

dijous, 12 de març del 2015


This weekend we have the last match of league of Handball. Nowadays, my team is in the second position, but we have the same points as the first classified. The problem is that the team that goes first, Handball Palautordera, has fewer goals in against that we, but we have more goals to favor.
We play against eighth classified, which is the Handball Suria, whereas the Handball Palautordera plays this weekend against the fourth classified, which name is La Salle Montcada.
In case we win the match and Palautordera loses or tie, we win the League.
This Saturday we are going to give everything to obtain the first title of the year , since the work that we have realized along the season has been very good  and the results every time have gone to better.
All that thanks to our trainer Jose Juan Estevez, who does the maximum effort for us and thanks to him, we improve every day.

Tourist killed by whale crashing into boat off Mexico


This news treats on the death of a Canadian woman who sailed with the ship in the Bay of San Lucas in the Mexican Pacific, and was hit by a whale.
Later, the woman was identified, her name was Jennifer Carren and she had 35 years.
This lady died in hospital, while the other two tourists with whom she was on the boat have survived.


Without any doubt, it is a very unfair death.It is necessary to have very bad luck to happen one thing like this.
It is necessary to go with precaution in this life, but in this case, she could not foresee that this would happen.
In conclusion, give encouragement to the family and got rest her.


Sudden- De sobte

Whale- Balena

Vessel- Vaixell

dimecres, 11 de març del 2015

'What horror!' - Real Madrid slammed by Spanish media after loss to Schalke


This Tuesday, Real Madrid F.C lost in the Santiago Bernabeu 3-4 against the FC.Schalke. But even so, Real Madrid gets through to the quarterfinals of the Champions League.
Note that the Real Madrid fans are very angry for the image that the team is offering this 2015.
This team is happening for a very hard moment, there are a lot of injured players and a lot of others that are having an evil moment in they soccer career.


Real Madrid is and always will be my favorite team. Last year this team won four titles and this year the things are not going out completely well. But nothing happens, we have the best coach in the world and also the best players.The year has just begun, there are still many matches to play and to show that this team is the best world.


Scraped- Raspat

Lengthy- Llarg

Jeers- Burles

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015


The other day, I decided to watch the movie 50 Shades of Gray. I like that movie.
The movie treats about a young woman called Anastasia Steele, who replaces one day her friend in the work, and she has to do an interview to the famous millionaire Christian Grey. The interview was not quite right and Anastasia did not want to return to see him.But one day, Christian Grey appeared in the supermarket where she works and  from this moment they were spending a lot of time together,until Anastasia is realizing that Christian Grey is sadistic.
In conclusion, a good movie to spend a good time,but still, the end is not completely awaited.

diumenge, 1 de març del 2015


What  Noa has done it is very nice. I think that it is a good idea to go away to another country for such of disconnecting a litlle bit of the people of here. In addition, she is improving her English and this will be helpful in the future. Also because she has found work.
Still, the girl misses her family and friends. And this one is the only problem that exists at the moment of doing a Gap Year.
In conclusion, I liked talking on skype with her and I hope that everything is going well and she comes back soon.

dijous, 12 de febrer del 2015

Charlie Hebdo Attack


This news is about two terrorists who forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo.This happened on January 7, in the city of Paris.The terrorists entered with weapons and shot up to 50 times. 
In total there were 12 people killed and 11 more injured. A France national police officer was also killed.
The gunmen identified themselves as belonging to the Islamist Terrorist group Al - Qaedas branch in Yemen.
But after all, the terrorists were caught and from now , their place will be in jail.


The people who died were innocent, they haven't done anything bad to anyone.
I don' t understand how can exist terrorism.
In conclusion, the world every time goes to worse. And for what we can see, there will never be peace in this world if we do not put in agreement in improving it.


Bloodshed- Matança
Threatened- Amenaçats

Rooftops- Teulades

divendres, 6 de febrer del 2015

Snow traps over 200 motorists in Spain


This news treats about more than one hundred of vehicles, which remained caught during the night in the roads between Cantabria and the province of Palencia due to the snow. About 100 expatriates and British tourists were among those trapped.
All of them came with the idea of spending a few warm days in Spain, but it was not as expected, because Spain is in the middle of a cold spell.


It is true that these days are very cold.The wind is very cold and you do not even want to go out to the street. 
Even this way, many things can be done in house, it is a good moment to see movies or to read any book. 
But I hope that the cold is ended soon, to be able to go out to the street and enjoy the good time.


Stuck- Atrapats

Stranded- Encallats

Lorries- Camions

diumenge, 1 de febrer del 2015


My research project talks about the protest songs in the 20th Century, generally located in the United States.
The objective of this topic is to learn a little bit more about songs and the 20th Century demonstrations.
The first section of this project talks about the origins of protest songs. Then, it continues with the types of protest around the world and the most common genres.
The second part deals with the most influential countries.
And the last part, was the analysis of the most influential protest songs through the lyrics because they used a lot of metaphors and keywords to understand the society of the 20th Century.

divendres, 30 de gener del 2015

Ukraine conflict: Poroshenko vows to 'calm' Mariupol fighting


This news is about Ukraine and its president, Petro Poroshenko, who has promised to calm the fight against pro-Russia rebels in east Ukraine, because 30 people have died in just one day.
It is necessary to emphasize that more than 5.000 persons have died in the combats since the rebels got hold of a great band of the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. 
For this reason, the president of this country has decided finally to try to calm these clashes.


I do not understand the clashes between these two countries. They are countries that are on the side,speak the same language and have relatives in both countries.
In conclusion, I hope that the situation between these two countries would improve, because  the time happens, and  this will be even more wrong than this going now, because now it is only the beginning.


Vowed- Promès

Seized- Confiscada

Upsurge- Recrudescència

Cristiano Ronaldo wins Ballon d’Or over Lionel Messi & Manuel Neuer


The 12th of January, Cristiano Ronaldo has won his third Ballon d'Or as the best player in the world for the second consecutive year, ahead of Lionel Messi and Manuel Neuer.
The votings between the first  and the second classified have been very different, almost 38 % of votes are for Cristiano Ronaldo, whereas Messi and Neuer obtained 15,76 % and 15,72 % respectively.


This year Cristiano Ronaldo has earned deservedly the Ballon d'Or.
His current club, Real Madrid,  won the Champions League and the Copa del Rey. 
CR7 has been the player who has scored more goals in The League BBVA. 
Also he established the record of 17 goals in Champions's edition. 
In conclusion, for me, it has been his better year since he started his football career.


Convincingly- Convincenment

Narrowly- Per poc

Award- Premi

dimarts, 20 de gener del 2015


This second quarter I made the presentation about my research project which is about the protest songs of the 20th century, generally located in the United States.

In this Presentation: I used a Power Point, because when I present, It  was always has good graphics, and It easy to work with this. Although, this time the Power Point had very little information, therefore, this part is necessary to improve it.

The Body Language: 
I think that my language Is sufficiently clear and precise. T
herefore, easy to understand.

The Structure: The structure that I have followed, Is the usual, Introduction, Index, Parts of the Research Project: firstly the theoretical part and secondly de practical part. And finally the Conclusion.

The Content : I think it Is a fairly complete presentation. B
ut anyway, I had to have given more information about the practical part of my project.

The Language: I think that the grammar was correct but there is always an error.

The Pronunciation: 
I think that the pronunciation Is good. 
It must be said that I have improved regarding the previous quarter.

In conclusionI think that this presentation has helped me a lot.
First of all, I've improved my way of speaking, the last quarter I was talking very fast, but this quarter, I know when I need to take a break.
On the other hand, I have learned many things on how it was the life in the United States and other countries during the 20th century.
In conclusion, it was not easy to live in those years.

divendres, 9 de gener del 2015


This Christmas I've done a few things. On December 24, I have gone to a discotheque with my friends to celebrate the Christmas, but before going, I had an accident by car, nothing serious thankfully.
During this holiday I had trained handball  and also went to the gym.
And when came 31 of December I went to celebrate the end of year to a discotheque in Girona.
There I had a great time, although the club was not entirely pleasant; toilets were dirty, people smoked indoors, a disorder.
And when new year started, I didn't do anything interesting. I did my homework and occasionally I was watching some movies.